Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Money is funny (broke ain't no joke)

From Seko:
O.K. We were not playing when we called the trip "Broke in Britain." First it cost me $3000 for air & accommodations, then we realize that the US dollar is worth 2.1715% of the English Pound. I.E. I gave 'dude' $80 an he gave me f36.84 without a commission or a fee............hmmm... So as Wifey is forcibly pulling me away from the counter speaking to me in a de-escalating tone of voice, reality is setting in. I'm a bit ready to start the revolution. I worked hard for that $80, and dude is giving me 36 pounds. I felt like I was gettin' a divorce and the trick was taking half. My cheapie McDonald's chicken snack wrap is advertised as being f1.27 pounds (roughly $2.65). Nothing makes sense financially. My money is really funny (slang for "almost nonexistence")now. The Brits don't even shop here ! As soon as someone hears our American accent the first thing they say is "I shop in the U.S. - Great prices!" Looks like everyone goes to Florida, New York, or somewhere 'stateside' to buy clothes for school in September. That was the best Chicken grilled snack wrap I have ever had ! I didn't eat nuthin' the rest of the day. Wifey thinks that I've lost my food appetite..(needed to clarify which 'appetite')........ I keep opening my wallet and waiting for the FREE continental breakfast in the morning. We're at the front door of the hotel restaurant before the staff arrives. The cook thinks that we really love his food.
We have been leaning on my cousin and his new family for food. Yo, Nigerians know how to feed a brother. My cousin's wife (married 9/15/07 ! - That's another post) is a British raised Nigerian. We made sure we saw them every day. They went on their honeymoon to Hong Kong today and the Wifey and I missed them sorely (my stomach still hurts). We hung with her family as much as we could and could count on a full dinner for about four nights. We have also made it our business to help my cousin in preparing for his wedding day. One of his new in laws whispered "Those Americans need to hold a sign saying "Will work for food." She didn't think I heard her, but.....well......yeah.....duh..pass the curried goat and shut up......
I have to comment on the McDonalds here in London. Here is London's Ronald............ I always thought that he had an afro. Yo, the McDonald's has an internet cafe section with lounge seats, darkened lights, free wi-fi, and you can rent time on the restaurant's desk-tops when you purchase your food. One in particular had ample small seats on the main floor and 100 or more seats below in the lounge. Club Big-Mac is gotta' be coming soon. When it happens I'm gonna' be the first to say "Told Y'all".


Unknown said...

one thing i learnd about being in europe is, don't eat at micky d's... mad expensive....

word 09/15 ! our anniversary!

oh happy anniversary .. i know it was yesterday...

Anonymous said...

Lovin the blog. Ms. McFarlane had the same complaints. Was thinking of going to Amsterdam and swinging thru Londom, but my pockets are saying OUCH!!
Peace and Blessings